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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Urfa Kebab



1 kilogram ground meat lamb, medium fat, arm
1 tomato
1 capia pepper
5-6 stalks parsley
1 onion
1 table spoon olive oil
1 dessert spoon salt
1 tea spoon black pepper
1 tea spoon red pepper flakes
18-20 flat short wooden stiks


1 onion
1 tea spoon sumac or red pepper flakes
5-6 stalks parsley
8-10 flat bread sliced
100 gram butter
1 pinch salt
1-2 tomato
1-2 kheera


8 servings



Wash and take out the seeds of the tomato and the capia pepper.
Use a food processor to cut to small pieces the onion, tomato and the capia pepper.
Then place a wire colander over a pot and pour this tomato/pepper/onion mixture into it. Press the mixture down with the back of a wooden spoon or your palm to take out the excess water of this mixture out.
Then in a mixing bowl add the meat, all the spices and this tomato/pepper/onion mixture and start kneading. You need to knead about 30 minutes. The longer the better. If you want you can also use the food processor to mix and make your life easier and save time.
Rest the kebab dough in the fridge for half an hour.
Then get a bowl of clean water handy and start shaping. Take a handfull of the mixture in your hand. Turn it into a small orange sized ball. Wet the wooden stick and stick it into this ball. Turn the meat around to go downwards the stick to get a kebab shape. You might need to wet your hand while doing this, as the meat might stick in your hand too much or you might need to use the water to mend any cracks.
When you are finished with the kebab shaping cook in a preheated oven at 220 degrees using the grilling function. Turn when one side is done.
The kebabs will be cooked pretty quickly - in around 20 minutes you will be ready to serve.


Cut the onion into half and then cut thin slices. Do not chop.
Add to the onions a pinch of salt, red pepper flakes and/or sumac together with well chopped parsley stalks. Knead the onions with your hand to make sure all the spices are well combined. Serve next to the kebab.
Melt the butter.

Heat up the the bread and place on serving plates. Pour the butter on top of each bread and roll it place 1-2 sticks of kebab on each plate. You can keep the meat on the sticks, or slide them out before serving - as you choose. Add some onion mixture on each plate.

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